Monday, June 11, 2012


Today has been a rough day.  Period.  (Gotta love redundancy!)  Long story, short, one of my medicines has started giving me some nasty side effects and it prevented me from being able to go for my treatment today.  I will (at the very least) temporarily, have to stop taking this medicine in an effort to get these side effects under control.  I will also have to take some new medicines and the prayer is that it will help me feel better, at least as far as the side effects are concerned.  The fear is, though, that being off this medication could cause another "backslide" in any healing I've made.  I cannot stress enough about how much I don't want or need another backslide.  I'm feeling like I'm at the end of my rope as far as how much more I can take and really NEED this turn of events to prove to be something positive in my healing instead of another necessary evil.  The hope I long to have is that this will somehow have a greater impact on my overall health than first thought possible but if past events show the trend, the next couple of weeks could be pretty rough. 

So, I'm asking (more like begging) for extra prayer over the next couple weeks.  Please be praying for this to help control the problems I've been having and that my overall healing will not be hindered or set back and that it could actually move things forward a bit.  I'll have to limit my diet even more now so extra energy will be needed for meal prep and if a back slide happens - that could prove difficult. 

I am doing my best to not be anxious about this and continue in faith and hope that God has this all under control.  That this is happening right now because it's BEST.  Please pray for me to stay positive and to place my feelings in truth rather than my own emotions.  And, please pray for me to have a good week and for this to be only a good step forward rather than a step forward combined w/ 2 steps back. 

Thank you all for your love, prayers, and encouragement.  Praying like mad!  Jen