My Story

To make a LONG story short, up until almost two years ago, I was living a fairly normal life.  I was dealing with a few (what I would now call minor) medical issues but nothing life threatening or very serious.  Then in the spring of 2010, I got sick with mono and nothing has been the same since.  After my body got done fighting the mono, I actually started to get worse and to this day, we are not 100% certain of the reason(s).  One piece of the puzzle is a gluten intolerance (or possible Celiac's disease).  I have been gluten free for almost a year now and have adjusted fairly well to the new diet.  There are other pieces to this puzzle we are still trying to determine and because at least one of the probable ones is not without controversy, I will remain vague on this blog as I do not intend for this to be a medical discussion.  My hope is this blog will be a way for those of us with Chronic Illnesses to talk and discuss the mental/emotional aspects that we face daily and how we can overcome (what are sometimes the hardest aspects of long-term illness) so that we can better focus on physical healing.

Another thing you should know about me is that I am a believer in Jesus Christ and many of the discussions will have bible verses or a Christian focus on the various heart-issues those of us with illness face.  My goal is to honor God with what I write while also being honest about the hardships and temptations one faces in this kind of trial.  He is the only reason I have survived the last two years without losing my mind completely and I cannot imagine life, especially since becoming sick, without Him!

A favorite scripture of mine that I have come to hold very dear is Philippians 4:6-7.  "Be anxious about nothing.  But in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God which passes all comprehension will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

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