Sunday, September 2, 2012

Cute Jammies!

Starting last night, I could tell I was heading for a rough couple of days again.  Joint pain, (like someone's inside scraping your bones kind of joint pain), headache, stomach upset, etc.  It's these days when it's hard to want to get dressed or do your hair or anything because you have to save your energy for things like feeding yourself.  When one doesn't feel good, it's a strange thing but relaxing in pajamas is so much more comfortable than relaxing in clothes, even your favorite jeans and shirt.  This is why, I'm thankful for pajamas that can still make a girl feel cute even when she's feeling awful. 

It would be one thing if this was a rare event, having days where I living in pj's.  But, chronic illness for almost 2.5 years means it's all too common.  When one is sick and doesn't feel good, it doesn't help to look in the mirror and see your clothes reflect just how awful you feel.  No girl likes to look in the mirror and see that, does she?  I know I don't.  It may sound trivial to some but today I'm thankful for cute jammies that help keep me from feeling worse about feeling worse. 

While I'm listing things I'm thankful for, I must also say how thankful I am for microwaveable soup, the internet, ministries w/ downloadable studies, digital scrapbooking, scented soaps and other yummy things like that as surprise gifts from friends!! (thank you to the two of you - you know how you are!!), nalgene bottles, pill boxes, my iPhone, netflix, and many other things that make this trial just a bit easier to endure.  I'm also thankful for Andy and our family and friends who continue to stick by us and encourage us as we endure this trial together.  We're not perfect, we often make mistakes, but we long to honor God with this trial we are in - if He doesn't get glory from it, what's the point of going through it?!  Thanks for all those who do the things that make this trial just that much easier to bare. 

Love much!!  Jen

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