Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Point of it All

It seems rather silly to me to start a blog when there are so many out there doing the same thing.  I am no writer and have never pretended to be!  :0)  No, this won't be used for me to gather a large crowd of followers because I'm so very gifted with the written will, rather, be a place for me to provide some insight to my family and friends into this new life of chronic illness.  Sometimes it will be funny but sometimes it will be raw.  I have faced thoughts and feelings over the last (almost) two years that I never dreamed I would have to face.  And, as naive as that was, I really think none of us are ever truly prepared for the day our health is no longer something we can take for granted.  So, my hope is that somehow me sharing different struggles, experiences, and lessons learned with you will help "bridge the gap", so to speak and we'll be able to better relate going forward.  And, if someone out there happens to stumble upon this blog and it helps them with their chronic illness situation or it helps someone better understand their friend or family member who is chronically ill, then praise be to God for it!!  I pray that this will be a place where I can be honest and yet still honor God with how I share because this will never work if He isn't at the core of it. 

So, will you take this journey with us?  We hope so because we need our friends and family now more than ever.  With much love - Jen (& Andy)


  1. Jen, I am so glad you are doing this. I hope it helps you get through the really dark times as well as share the good times too. You are such a sweet person and I love you and miss you so much. Praying constantly that you will be healed, able to fellowship with the rest of us and that To God be the Glory with this trial you are experiencing.

  2. Thanks Dana!! I appreciate the prayers so much. :0)

  3. Hey Jen, I really like the title "The point of it all" you gave this blog! I have asked myself that question so much over the past few years from the divorce, you and Jodi's health, (stay healthy Jes) just wants to fix it all! But God is slowly showing me that I have to let go and let God! I just trust that he will have a new and special path for you soon to follow. Just know that I love you and will be here when you need me!

  4. Hi jen I will be following your blog. Gapc
